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Whether you want to make money trading stocks, raising cash on your long term holdings, increasing your profits on trades or need help finding stocks with explosive opportunity, Dr. Samir Elias' books are designed to help you recognize trading opportunity and make money.

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Timing V reversals using the Narrowing Channel + ROC

This setup is a slight modification of the Falling Knife setup in Chapter 11 of  the book "Explosve Stock Trading Strategies". This is highly effective for timing V reversals in Indices as shown in the SPX example below. Using This startegy and either of the two entry points one would have been able to get in close to the bottom.
The setup is as follows:
(1) PPO and ADX should form a narrowing channel as shown below. This does not happen often and is usually the first requirement for a strong V reversal
(2) Pick the point where the V neck of the Channel forms

Timing Explosive Moves using MACD Internal Divergences

One uncommon setup that I look for when predicting a major explosive move is internal divergences between the MACD
signal line crossover and the MACD histogram. The setup is simple and is as follows:

(1) MACD valleys  from signal line crossovers form subsequent lower lows while the MACD histogram forms higher highs.
(2) CMF increasing and moving from Negative to positive
This MACD internal divergence indicates exhausion of sellers and when accompanied by increasing and

Quick Stock Trading Profits Using The Falling Knife Setup

This is a setup I often use to spot a quick reversal in a stock after steady decline. This stock trading setup is described in detail
in the book "Explosive Stock Trading Strategies".
The setup involves the use of three readily available indicators: (1) Price Oscillator. (2) Accumulation Distribution
and (3)Channel Index

Trading options using Price Consolidation/MACD & Histogram analysis

This is a very profitable option trading  system I use to collect premiums by selling put options on stocks I do not own.The steps are as follows:
(1) Look for a stock that has entered a consolidation period after a strong advance
(2)After an MACD bearish crossover look for a continued price consolidation while the MACD line and
signal line are moving lower from an overbought situation.
(3)Enter when the MACD histogram is showing a bullish divergence with the MACD line nearing the signal line

Timing a stock Trade Entry Before a Major Uptrend

The method used here is an adaptation of the technique described in the book "Generate Thousands...." and used to time the sale of put and call options. In this artice I am offering a simple adaptation of this technique to time the entry into a stock before a major multi month uptrend. This is not meant for short term trading but rather for a holding period of several month possibly longer.
The Criteria used are as follows:
(1) Use weekly charts .
(2) Look for the line up of the weekly  moving averages as follows SMA(10)> EMA(20)>EMA(30)

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